Why Is My Hamster Shaking

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Are you worried that something might be wrong with your furry friend? If your hamster is shaking, it can be an alarming sight to witness. Don’t panic though – this trembling may simply indicate that they’re excited and happy! 

In this blog post, we’ll delve into common causes of trembling in hamsters, so you can learn the signs and understand when everything’s alright – or when a medical checkup may be necessary. Read on to find out why your little one might be shaking!

Why does my hamster shiver?

Have you ever noticed your hamster shivering and wondered why? It may surprise you to learn that it is a sign of contentment! Shivering, otherwise known as “hibernation response,” is an instinct among hamsters – it’s their way of feeling safe and secure. 

This behavior occurs when they’re tucked away in dark places, like under beds or in the corner of a laundry basket. If you watch your hamster while they’re sleeping, it may be curling up into a ball to show its satisfaction with its environment. So next time you see your furry friend shaking, don’t worry—it means they are happy and comfortable!

Why is my hamster shaking and falling over?

If you have noticed your hamster shaking and falling over lately, it can be concerning. These symptoms could mean that there is something wrong with your pet. It may indicate that they are suffering from a condition called Wet Tail Disease, which is caused by stress and poor nutrition. 

If left untreated this could lead to serious consequences and even death. It’s best to bring your pet to the vet as soon as possible if these symptoms persist, so they can get the help they need before anything worse happens.

Is it OK for a hamster to shake?

It’s natural for hamsters to shake, so it’s okay for them to do this. Shaking can indicate that your hamster is scared or agitated, so it’s important to investigate the cause of the shaking if you notice this behavior in your pet. 

If the shaking is accompanied by other signs of stress, like excessive grooming and hiding, then it might be time to consider creating a more comfortable environment in your hamster’s cage. Beyond this, whether a hamster shakes or not usually has no impact on its well-being and doesn’t require any action from owners!

What does a hamster having a seizure look like?

Hamsters having a seizure can be pretty alarming to witness. Thankfully, with proper veterinary care, seizures in hamsters can be more manageable. During a seizure, your hamster may start trembling while your body contorts and they lose muscle control. Seizures can also affect the senses with sight, hearing, and smelling being impaired or heightened. 

You may also notice chomping or chewing motions as well as your hamster having difficulty breathing or twitching around the face and neck area. If you are ever concerned that your hamster may be having a seizure, it is important to reach out to your local veterinarian for an assessment immediately.

How do you warm up a hamster?

Keeping your hamster at a comfortable temperature is important in ensuring his or her overall health and well-being. Though sometimes challenging, it is possible to provide the right amount of warmth for him or her – but how best to do so? A great way to warm up your hamster is to use an appropriate heat lamp placed around 12 inches above the cage. 

If you’re worried about the lamp is too hot, there are ways you can regulate the temperature – like making sure it’s secured behind some kind of barrier like a wire cage. It can also be beneficial to try using a heating pad underneath your hamster’s enclosure or even letting him or her nest near your radiator. Whatever method you choose, make sure it doesn’t exceed 30 degrees Celsius, as this could lead to overheating and cause harm to your beloved pet.

How do I know if my hamster is feeling cold?

Monitoring your hamster’s comfort is key for their health and happiness, but it can be hard to tell if they’re feeling cold or not. For starters, make sure that you are providing them with a cage at room temperature; anything slightly below or above could make them feel uncomfortable.

 Additionally, if your hamster is displaying signs of sluggishness, huddling away from you, and being lethargic, this might be an indicator that is feeling cold and needs to be snuggled up in a warm place. Finally, check if their nose is cold too—if it is they most likely need to move somewhere warmer. All in all, it’s important to keep an eye on your furry pal and ensure their environment always feels cozy!

How do you calm a hamster?

Calming a hamster can be tricky, but it isn’t an impossible task! The first step is to ensure your pet is in a safe and secure environment. Hamsters are small, so they could easily escape if their cage is too open or exposed. Secondly, create a cozy area of their living space with soft bedding, maybe even add some comfy toys they can hide in — this makes them more comfortable and less anxious. 

Lastly, try playing soft music or adding some soothing tones to the background. This generally helps hamsters settle down quickly and relax for a peaceful sleep. If all else fails, don’t forget there are always plenty of tasty treats that will help win them over!


In summary, shaking in hamsters can be due to a variety of reasons ranging from developing their behavior patterns, low temperatures, or stress. To ensure maximum health and well-being for your pet it is necessary to identify the root cause by observing the situation and consulting an expert veterinarian if needed. With just a bit of research on specific behaviors, you can greatly understand how to build a safe and happy environment for your hamster companion. 

After all, understanding how our pets work helps us create a loving relationship with them that’s enjoyable for both parties. So next time you observe your hamster shaking don’t fret—there’re likely numerous options available so you can make sure they’re provided with the best care possible.

Matteo Griffin

Matteo Griffin

Hi there! My name is Matteo Griffin, and this is my blog about Dwarf Hamsters.
I’ll be posting cute pictures, videos, and stories about my furry little friends for your enjoyment. I hope you enjoy following along!

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